

CSW - everyone free to believe

Jakarta Cathedral during Sunday Mass, Indonesia. (Giulio Paletta/CSW)

Prayer Diary: Easter

28 Mar 2024

My name is Chibuzor, CSW’s UK Parliamentary Liaison Officer.

For me, the Easter story is about a relentless quest for restoration, unity and intimacy between God and his people.

We were once walking side by side, face to face in the garden, God’s perfect design. Then came sin and separation; a gulf growing wider and wider. What could resolve the deep void between God and his creation?

He knew from the very beginning that the only way to restore intimacy was to send himself. To become the very bridge he needed us to cross.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the  blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings...

(Hebrews 10:19-22a)

Jesus bled on Good Friday, and his blood bought us freedom. His blood cleansed us. His blood covered us. His blood made us righteous, closed the great divide, and overpowered our enemy.

From hopeless to hopeful. From sorrow to joy. From dark to light. From far to near. Our access to the Father has been granted! 

Now we walk with God again, albeit in different circumstances… We’re not yet in a perfect garden, but a world where persecution, tests and trials persist. Yet now we walk through the darkest valleys with God by our side. He is our strong tower, our hope for years come, our shelter from the stormy blasts, and our eternal joy.

Now we have direct access to the Most Holy Place, let’s use that wonderful privilege to bring before the Lord those who are suffering because of their beliefs.

Easter is a time of increased visibility and vulnerability for Christians in many countries, including those featured in this Prayer Diary. 

Please join me in speaking justice, freedom, hope, perseverance, peace and victory over these places in the mighty name of Jesus:

Heavenly Father, 
As I pray this Easter – a time of renewal and hope – I turn my heart and prayers towards those who are enduring hardship and suffering.

Lord, I am grateful for the sacred access we have to your presence, made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus. I draw near to you, asking for healing, peace and restoration for those who are suffering for their beliefs. 

Lift their burdens and refresh their spirits with your pure and living water.

In these challenging times, help us all to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. Remind us of your unwavering faithfulness – your love and power to overcome even death – and let that truth inspire hope and resilience in those facing trials. 

May your presence provide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,

Download a printable copy of this week's Prayer Diary.




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We believe no one should suffer discrimination, harassment or persecution because of their beliefs